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Using 教育al Technology Degrees for 职业生涯 in Higher 教育

Not that many years ago there was no such thing as the internet. There were no digital marketing careers. 没有多媒体设计师. 没有web开发人员.

自然, no related degree programs existed either; there simply was no need for any type of degree within a field that didn’t exist.

With the advent of the digital age, however, came a revolution.

数字营销、多媒体和技术类学位如雨后春笋般涌现. 以前闻所未闻的头衔,如“网站管理员”和“电子商务专家”变得司空见惯.

Then even more new career opportunities came to fruition, 包括高等教育教师,以准备下一代的专业人士.


根据教育传播与技术协会(AECT), 教育技术是一个不断发展的领域,涉及“教学设计和系统的学习方法”.”



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  • 目的-教学 & 学习培训
  • 观众-学生
  • 方法-系统 & 进步
  • 结果-说明 & 评估


  • 目的-培训
  • 听众-员工
  • 方法论-模块 & 项目
  • 成果-实物课 & 学习环境

InsideHigherEd表示,这可能是目前高校最大的需求.com, is improved outcomes. 事实上, educational institutions are experiencing unprecedented pressure and, 像这样, are relying on digital-based transformation through EdTech.

Leading the way is the applied doctorate, including the doctor of professional studies, instructional design leadership.

What? No Ph.D.?

“Higher education employs a lot of non-Ph.D. instructional designers,” says Yi Yang, Ph.D., 十大正规赌博平台大全排行专业研究博士(DPS)项目主任, instructional design leadership. 高等十大正规赌博平台大全排行设计师与教师共同开发课程. They’re not researchers constructing theory – that’s for the Ph.D. 相反,这些领导者与人们一起工作,帮助其他人学习.”

Dr. 杨说,在高等教育领域,教育科技专业人士的机会越来越多, especially at teaching colleges and universities.

“If you want to be a dean, 首席学术官, or hold any position that involves curriculum oversight,她说。, “then a professional doctorate would be extremely valuable. If you want to conduct research, teach, obtain grants and publish at a Tier 1 research institution, 然后可能是Ph值.D. 会是更好的选择吗. 你获得的最终学位应该基于你想成为什么样的教师和你想担任什么样的职位.”

不管 which type of degree you earn, EdTech holds great promise. 事实上, 这个繁荣的, 《十大正规赌博平台大全排行》的一项研究表明,价值100亿美元的高等教育行业有望为合格人才提供机会, well-educated EdTech professionals:


研究发现,53%的受访者设计过5个或更多高等教育学科的课程. 研究还发现,教学设计师更有可能在人文科学(81%)和社会科学(79%)领域受到追捧,而不是stem相关领域,这可能是因为以实验室为重点的学科更难以进入虚拟或在线空间.

无论哪种方式, 在十大正规赌博平台大全排行的高等教育机构内,有大量的教育技术工作要做.

And like other instructional design leadership careers, 在高等教育领域工作需要教学设计专业人士思考教学的艺术和学习的科学,而不仅仅是发布一份在线文档或创建一个基于技术的测验.

以教育技术为重点的学位应该让你走上与大专教师合作的道路, design and develop effective, engaging educational experiences.

So how does one get such an exciting, non-teaching academic career?

For many, it starts outside the college or university. 从平面设计师到中学老师再到电子学习专家, 许多专业人士在获得最终学位后,从外部进入高等教育行业.






• Applying research to impact performance
• Learning new technologies
• Designing and developing advanced curricula
• Understanding learning science and theory
• Planning strategic instructional design models

高等教育需要创新的、互动的教学. Yang. “It needs EdTech visionaries as much as it needs implementers. 它需要能够确定推动组织前进的最佳战略和方法的领导者.”

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